Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) provides day programs for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as programs tailored to meet the wishes of our clients. Our clients can absolutely enjoy the rewards of being a contributing member in society and have the satisfaction and pride that comes with having a job or volunteering. The TMI Employment Solutions program works with our clients to secure and maintain gainful employment in the community, if desired, and also works in collaboration with local businesses to develop volunteer opportunities for our clients. We offer a variety of innovative programs as listed below. Although paid work is the desired outcome for our clients, many are working as volunteers at a wide variety of nonprofit organizations throughout San Diego, Riverside and Imperial Counties.
Our Employment Solutions partners include several notable companies such as Smart & Final, Ross, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, VONS, Walmart, and many other outstanding companies.
In addition, TMI assists local school districts to secure jobs for students in their last year of public education to help promote and ensure a smooth transition from school to adult life where jobs are the first order of business.
Latest Employment Solutions Client Stories
Inclusive Employment at the San Diego Zoo: Meet Karlee! | TMI Employment Solutions