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TMI Client Returns to the Workforce After 20 Years and is Excelling!

Updated: May 14, 2019

When Ben was referred by San Diego Regional Center to Toward Maximum Independence (TMI), a nonprofit assisting individuals with developmental disabilities, it had been so long since he had worked that he could hardly remember his last job. He estimated that it had been about 20 years before at a furniture store. Ben had been busy helping with the needs of his family. He joined TMI’s Tailored Day Services (TDS) program which assists our clients with planning their day their way. Ben desired to find paid employment and get back into the workforce. TMI was up for the challenge!

(Ben With His TMI Facilitator Emily Morgan)

Under the guidance of TMI Division Manager Cathena Ferrero, TMI Facilitator Emily Morgan assisted Ben with applying for many positions, but it wasn’t until he connected with Walmart that the right opportunity presented itself. Ben was hired as a Cart Attendant. His shining personality and hard work were quickly recognized by his supervisor, Jason, and his coworkers. Just one month after being hired, Ben was nominated for Employee of the Month!

Ben is developing natural supports and friendships at Walmart and truly likes the people he works with. He has gotten his health on track and, as a result, has become more self-confident, not to mention he feels years younger!

“Ben is a person who makes your heart smile,” said Cathena. “I just knew once we found the right opportunity for him that he would excel.”

Emily is doing a wonderful job working with Ben and loves witnessing his growth, both personally and professionally. Many times, individuals with disabilities simply need an opportunity to shine. Keep up the great work, Ben!


An estimated 1 in 6 people are born with a developmental disability. Just like you they are born with hopes, dreams and the drive to contribute to society. Since 1981 Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) has transformed thousands of lives by providing assistance to children and adults with developmental disabilities, giving them the ability to realize their hopes and dreams.

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