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Toward Maximum Independence COVID-19 Response: A Letter from Our Executive Director

Updated: Jun 29, 2021

Dear Toward Maximum Independence Community,

As COVID-19 continues to affect our community, I want to make sure you know that Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) is continuing to support the needs of our clients with intellectual and developmental disabilities within the scope of our ability. We continue to provide the critical services that many of our clients need.

Program updates are included below. If you are able to support our efforts, please consider making a donation in order to help us maintain our programs and services should this crisis extend into the coming months. I thank you in advance for your support.

I am closely monitoring announcements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health. A TMI COVID-19 website page has been established and is dedicated to updates and resources regarding the virus from reliable sources such as the CDC. It will be updated accordingly as we learn more. Please be sure to refer to reputable sources for information regarding COVID-19.

Let's continue to remain united in our humanity and support of our clients among whom are some of the most vulnerable to this virus.

Please take care and stay safe!

Warmest Regards,

Rachel L. Harris

Executive Director


TMI PROGRAM UPDATES Working under the guidance and recommendations of federal and state entities (Department of Development Services, Health & Human Services Agency, Community Care Licensing, and Regional Centers), TMI made the decision to temporarily close our programs that DO NOT require immediate oversight and direct care of clients due to health and safety regulations.

Programs Temporarily Closed Until Further Notice:

Integrated Work (San Diego, Corona and Temecula)

Tailored Day Services (San Diego, Corona, El Centro and Temecula)

Programs That Remain in Service with Precautions:

Supported Employment (Case by Case)

Programs That Can Provide Consultation via Email:

Evolution to Independence (Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services)


Putting for Independence April 18, 2020: Postponed until further notice.

Golfing fore Independence May 20, 2020: Currently still scheduled.

CONNECT: Client events are on hold.

We will be following and assessing the situation on a daily basis and keeping our clients, families and employees updated as needed. All TMI physical offices are temporarily closed, however, TMI managers are accessible and working remotely from home.

ANCOR is laying the groundwork for the 4th COVID-19 stimulus package. Congress needs to hear from you today about continuing challenges in disability supports during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Ask: Take 2 minutes today to complete the ANCOR one-click action tool to ask Congress to fund essential components of disability supports that were not included in the CARES Act.

We thank you in advance for your support! If you have questions or need assistance, please call (800) 877-5452 or email Stay safe!


Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) has been transforming the lives of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1981 and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing since 2000. In 2020, we launched Disabled Veteran Employment Services. TMI strives to help our clients to realize their hopes and dreams by providing Employment Solutions, Community Living and Family Support Services throughout San Diego, Riverside and Imperial Counties. To stay connected with us, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Together we can share acceptance and awareness, ultimately contributing to further inclusion. Tax ID: #33-0185759.


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